
Damsels Without Distress: A blog for Female Heroes

What you will NOT find here:Twilight. Romeo and Juliet. Snow White, Cinderella, etc. Stories which feature girls as purely a love interest or whose one great feat was falling in love. Not that I have anything against these stories, they just don't belong here.

What you will find:
News, reviews, character analysis, writing tips and more for strong female driven or supported plots. Well rounded females. Think Hermione Granger, Katniss, Eowyn, Alice. It's not the absence of romance we're looking for here, but something more that defines them, letting the romance (if it's there) fall as a secondary plot.

Why Follow this Blog?
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to loose the hansom heroes and the sexy scoundrels, but I also want to read about a kick-ass girl now and again. Where are the women wielding swords? Where are the girls who sneak away on pirate ships or join the Galactic Empire? They are out there, but they’re hard to find. Hence this blog. I’m hoping this is a space where I can share with you the fruits of my tedious digging for female heroes and hopefully discover some hidden gems in the process. If you're interested, stick around.

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